A keynote presentation and animation in Diagnosis and Treatment planning in a oligodontia case using the Digital Smile Design Concept.
Guided Implant Surgery for Single-Molar Tooth Restoration
Guided Implant Surgery for Single-Molar Tooth Restoration using socket preservation technique . The shortest implant in 5.5 mm Nobel Active is 7 mm.
Rehabilitation of a failed dentition , begin with the end in mind
When we begin this project with the end in mind, we have a personal direction to guide our activities, without which we can’t accomplish toward our own goals. Beginning with the end in mind is part of the process of new dentistry, with the help with the DSD protocol by taking control of the case .
A flapless single molar implant placement using guided surgery for function in a maxillary region.
This 60 year-old, female patient’s chief complaint was a missing first molar on the upper left which had been extracted several months earlier.
Single mandibular first molar implants with flapless guided surgery
If you have one missing tooth, a dental implant is your best choice.
An Immediately Loaded Single Implant Retained Mandibular Overdenture
This patient was referred to my practice for a new lower complete denture