Dental Motivation, Embrace Into Technology & Life Long Learning

Dentistry can get so overwhelmed with all of the things we have to do in order to reach our goals . Some may even think that they are not “good enough” to be the dentist your patients would like to be.

Dental life is a journey like everyone else.

One thing I know from my own life and the things I have done , from completing my basic dentistry to post-graduate in Prosthetic and Gerodontology , to Dental Implants , to Fixed-Prosthodontics , Orthodontics and short course on The Digital Smile Design treatment concept; we only ever have this certain moment and can take one step at a time.
I didn’t know at those very moment in the span of 30 years in my career what were the defining moments for me. I need time to reflect. I wonder what life would be like if we enjoyed the journey more and just results? Take time out to reflect to find out what is important to us and then have the courage to make changes in our profession. As for me those journeys , took me around the world to seek knowledge from various gurus .
To my students and future students ; life is a journey , enjoy the view (the learning process) and our final destination will eventually be there. Be kind , be humble with your knowledge and follow those plans that you have for your potential services in dentistry which can only be taken one step at a time.
Part of the Digital Smile training and workshop is also encouragement and motivation so that students don’t give up on trying digital dentistry . It is here to stay ___ drkamsiah