Treating the Terminal Dentition & the Fully Edentulous Patient using Guided Surgery driven from the Digital Smile Design treatment concept. The patient with terminal dentition or with an edentulous state unquestionably faces a disfiguring condition. Over the past decades,
DSD App , Malaysia
As of January 2017, 2.2 million mobile apps were available to download for various iOS devices. DSDApp by Coachman has introduced to the dental market about a year ago.
Digital Smile Design using DSDApp
by Dr. Kamsiah G Haider , BDS, MDSc Apple’s iPad is one of the most popular mobile devices in the world. In the world of dentistry, there’s an app which dentists world wide can use
Apology to MAO
My apology for using the word “mafia-like ” to MAO is sincere , however , I don’t know about those who commented and mocking me on this fake FB account
Dental Motivation, Embrace Into Technology & Life Long Learning
Dentistry can get so overwhelmed with all of the things we have to do in order to reach our goals . Some may even think that they are not “good enough” to be the dentist your patients would like to be.
Announcing of new associate
We are pleased to announce the addition of our new associate, Dr. Jun Tan, BDS to our practice. She is currently seeing patients in our clinic in TTDI . Dr. Jun graduated from AIMST University.
Whom Do I Trust to Do my own Porcelain Veneers?
My patients often ask me who usually treats my teeth. Since I was born with a good set of teeth, I hardly see any dentist. However, I had a few mandatory dental treatments as
MAJALAHWM.COM : Datin Dr. Kamsiah G. Haider Pakar Pergigian Kosmetik & Digital Smile Design
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “I was created to create a beautiful smile.” Saya menemui seorang doktor pergigian kosmetik yang tidak boleh duduk diam, beliau tidak berhenti belajar dan mempelajari teknik-teknik terbaru
Revisiting dental photography
As clinicians and small-business owners, dentists must wear many hats: those of clinician, entrepreneur, marketing executive, staff coach,
How often should you have your teeth scaled?
Gum disease can be treated and often cured, but may require regular ‘maintenance’ visits, usually monthly in the beginning, to monitor the status of
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